Wednesday, April 19, 2006

And you cannot stop me.

The title is meaningless. I was just gazing lovingly over my oft-updated Calendar of Rock and thinking of all the rocking I have done and will do and got the line, "Keep on rockin' in the free worrrrrrld" stuck in my head and, as much as I like Neil Young, don't get me wrong, it seemed inappropriate and/or silly, thus, a title that refers to nothing in particular but makes you feel like you missed half the sentence anyway.

I am getting fat, y'all. I say that "y'all" like a pathetic little bleat but without a trace of irony or Southern drawl. My neck hates me and I can't tell if it's the stupid NASA foam pillow that it's rejecting or it is just tired of holding my head up for all hours of the day. My nose hates the world and won't let me forget it. It went from rainy-ass winter to hot-ass summer here so fast I have whiplash. All those things don't do much to encourage me to, oh, exercise like I've been "meaning to" for months now. I bought a PS2 for the express purpose of using the stupid workout game and instead I have become enamored with We Love Katamari and Super Bust-A-Move. It has to stop.

Anyway, it's very fucking pathetic. All of it. Except the having a life bit, that's pretty all right. I am with Kevin and things are lovely. We have started getting small shares from this CSA farm in Watsonville, and it's really awesome. (If you have the desire and ability to get a share in a CSA farm, I highly recommend it. Check out Local Harvest to find farms near you.) I also got a pair of comfortable ugly plastic chairs from the Ikea as-is section for half their regular price so I can enjoy my spacious, shady porch. I've seen some movies and watched some TV.

I have to go back to being part of the real world now.


Paul Cannon said...

Keep on rockin' in the real world.

emily said...

oh man, crate and barrel is for wedding registries and rich people. i understand your concerns about the variety of veggies and the cost, but for me, i think it's justified. for one, i have made myself pretty open to all kinds of veggies, and for another, i think it is absolutely awesome to have such a close, direct relationship (financially and geographically) to the people who grow your food. there are a lot of interesting, conflicting politics surrounding organic foods, and i've reached the point that i can't justify buying all mine (imported from texas, mexico, israel...) from whole foods when there's a bounty the next county south. it's a luxury i understand a lot of people can't afford or don't have readily available (hello, california), but if i can, i can't see why i wouldn't. (i hope that doesn't come off snobby, i really don't intend it that way.)